Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What is "Ceteris Paribus"?

Ceteris Paribus is the Latin phrase that means "all other things being equal." It is commonly used in the academic discipline of economics, as in "if the Fed raises interest rates, the rate of growth in the U.S. economy will slow, ceteris paribus." It refers to the fact that in doing economic analysis you try to hold all variables the same and move one at a time to see what changes that will bring. Why do I know this you ask. I majored in economics at Texas A&M University. And while I almost never use the technical aspects of my economics study, I do think that it greatly shaped my thinking process and approach to analytical thinking. Thus, my blog named Ceteris Paribus. That means that what I hope you will find here is not the raving rants that tend to be characteristic of many blogs, but a careful and well-reasoned argument and conclusion that treats the subject with fairness. That doesn't mean passionless, but it does mean that even things I feel passionately about I try to approach in a reasonable way.

My interests are wide and varied from theology for which I have a professional interest to things political to aviation (for which I have no explanation why I love so much). I hope you enjoy reading my posts and I welcome your comments.